Schroeder Reference SQ

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Schroeder Reference SQ

from $8,495.00

Schroeder Reference SQ

A yarn - torsion bearing , magnetically stabilized and steamed

No bearing friction , breakaway torque equal to zero , no " camp chatter"

Attenuation of the tone arm - Tonearm resonance by induction of eddy currents, adjustable.

VTF remains in changing the VTA largely constant ( " neutral balance" )

Overhang , VTA , VTF and Azimuth sensitively adjustable

Variable armtube parameters , thus effective mass ( 5g - 35gr ) and effective length will correspond directly,

Additional length options (ie. 8.5” - 12” ) usually at no extra charge to customer / custom request feasible.

Cryo treated Nordost Valhalla tonearm wiring, continuous, alternative cabling to arrangement

Tonearm / rods with high internal damping of Bocote , Rosewood , Blackwood.

Armwand options: Ebony , Acacia , Bocote, Jacaranda, Cocobolo, Bamboo, Carbon fiber u.m.

Effective mass - 9.4" length ~ 12g - 15g, depending upon headshell plate material.

Effective mass - 11.1" length ~ 16g - 20g, depending upon headshell plate material.

Note: Certal, Aluminum or brass headshell plates will affect the effective mass by ~ 2g - 5g.

Further notes: standard “Reference” model features a solid brass bearing tower and includes standard internal wiring only.

Patented design.

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